How to Support Your Child with School Anxiety

Written on 01/06/2022
KAT Marketing

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1) Listen to what your child has to say Be patient and understanding with them.

2) Talk to the school Don't be afraid to express your concerns to teachers.

3) Get some extra support. Speak to your GP or local Mental Helath charity.

4) Help them to challenge negative thoughts in a thought diary.

5) If your child is worried help them to problem solve and come up with rational solutions.

6) Let your child know that you are there to support them. Show them love and affection. 

7) Make sure your child is looking after their physical wellbeing (Sleep, Exercise, Food)

8) Work through some relacation skills with your child. Why not try some deep breathing together.

9) Encourage your child to think realitically about a situation. 

10) Encourage healthy and helpful thinking. 

11) Encourage autonomy and independence. Develop their resilience.

12) Allow your child to make mistakes and to be creative. Help them to learn from mistakes. 

13) Try and limit the amount of reassurance that you are giving your child.